الثلاثاء، 11 أكتوبر 2011


hicham alngaer   the manger od security of the state By talat elswafy, on October 14, 2009 time: 19:16 PM 
      powerful security agencies in Egypt is the intelligence and state security or intelligence services of the army. 
me you believe that when I went to told the first time and found deficiencies in security intelligence (General Intelligence) Sarayat dome to Aiktr on the mind I told him how? Said to me after listening to the details of the communication by the receptionist, and validation of the communication. Out the citizen to go to a second gate to attend the interrogation and after waiting resting two hours until it is to make sure of my personality as we mentioned before I was summoned to meet with Colonel Akram and wander inside the device is a car to the area of ??the large and the nature of security does not even know the nature of the buildings, or see the person working and before boarding the car Alfolex Volkswagen Green saw a dog my large and was Female and Haitha they breastfeed their young and are going Aiatredha and one was out of the door be certain that their young inside, which is out to eat and then return to breastfeed their young during the Great opened the door to enter or exit the car. And the position laugh any ordinary person and I hold no laughs, but realized the shortcomings security thought in silence if you hit that bitch rabid and attacked one of the workers or to be a senior official to visit or the head of Haaz foreign and see view what he say about the Egyptian intelligence service. Will say one thing they can not protect themselves, how to be responsible for the protection of the country. did not stop to think about, but when he found a security man accompanying him and driving deliver a greeting to the senior officer was walking heading to one of the buildings and the age realized he was a colonel or brigadier and appalled by what he heard he asked a senior officer of the security of the accused, who with you he replied that he is not charged and that he has for something he said a senior officer of each ridicule what they Bejoa first attained and after that keep spies. and swallowing the man mortification and I hold save the form of a senior officer. and then remember the mysterious man what happened with raised beauty who Aargah people in the name Raafat Haggan when returned to Egypt and settled and established a company to drill for oil was sitting among senior officials of the oil sector to hear them speak in Arabic and insult him and his mother most horrible words and had to pay bribes in order to work and arrived at one time for a million pounds with prices seventies, even if they know of is to accept his shoes nature of the people are unscrupulous and there are many very, very in our country to not respect the stranger who they see, but if they knew he was out or close to an official or a family strong Fulani or have a service at which it comes the fear first, and then it followed by respect (printed Pharaonic) and consolation for the name of (respect) for people who have lost their respect for a long time. and when entering vehicle for building a sub arrived the man was a bit emotional when he found a man reading a security lines of communication and asked him to stop reading it military secrets to the state. After several steps gave a security greeted the employee outside of the building and hands papers and asked him from which you said (like police) Vanthy the security aside and reminded her the nature of the communication. And came to meet Colonel Akram and the first SOAL Asked later the Colonel Is it allowed for security and staff talk about the author before I arrive to youand when he found Tlosma and disorder in a reply, recalled his palaces of the security event and a security man and a female employee. and found a sense of concern to the Colonel what happened to it was the visit of the mysterious man of intelligence services on disappointing him has noted shortcomings in security unforgivable and handling of reports of national security among workers despite the sensitivity even before the arrival of such information to the officer in charge. Li said the man he swore to himself that he Hola to work for him he opened fire on them and execute them immediately Famen the country is not a game for each owner of a malicious or curious.

Director of State Security Image Kafr El-Dawar Al-Najjar Hesham

In truth, much Arif Start: What do Woody the first time in my life I can not start the subject, although I am a journalist and novelist is why I Hadkhal in Thread Aataiwl all in Egypt, knowing that the corruption of police and deviations Kter Levi Avatar We all know that the damage in each topic Bacon killed man there is only one subject, whether for the fabrication of the case wa torture, corruption, deviation and de Baketar Ptneks effects on the family of the victim or oppressed de. But we wonder as possible to accommodate our mind that we are all 85 (million Egyptians) were Hanmot in our homes and the street is not what it to be any chance to defend ourselves. Because of 5 officers young and middle-rank diagnosed jealousy of a civilian and decided to laugh and the result is to expose the Egyptian people to die. And Akhaddkm Now you to show (tragedy), or disaster. And the beginning I met one I know since my childhood friend of the Children of the same cities (Kafr Al-Dawar - Lake) and you I moved with my family for a Yalaxanderah after I got my high school. I met him in the cafeteria in Alexandria, even though we were friends, but I and all our friends we Bnhar its importance, although it is rare to Petklm and we are small we know that to prevent the death of many senior military officers and the particular category (reserve officers) have not found (a crime internal) to poison thousands of reserve officersArmy you have, dear brother or relative was a reserve Army officer, ask him. Les officers in the army reserve Avatar Bihsalhm to food poisoning from the chicken meals that deliberately leaves out of the freezer to be hit Balslamounia cause of poisoning? Ask them and violin Les does not get poisoned by any commissioned officer or officer (factor) means a military academy graduate. Pettm concealing his guardian and treatment in private clinics with failure to report. As we grew we knew to be the largest of any bacterium extent Bnchovh. And we knew he was an expert in a high security and a specialist in the field of national security. We know of him that he loves foreign uniforms be in the situation and speak little loves. And loves not Altakhal in the affairs of others unless they asked him. Bihterm and privacy. And he always Haevin much social. What lip is Haulc speak Maah to Aqath stray and Babes on the sea and I needed use the style is loves respects the privacy of people and we have to treat him the same way until she Chavny and waved me in peace and came to Asafhany and we sat together and exchanged talk about question No. of health and circumstances and how life goes until she asked me What’s your opinion you Multi Mahdsh written estimate? I asked him (Les Mahdsh estimated to write it) one word and one said because of fear. Indeed, told Leah the story and my heart was Haigv details Btaatha and I caught myself from crying Aktar than once, although I am human being coherent so because of what I heard Loya believes we are our country and reached the limit Keda In criminality to reduce de . and you, my consolation, which I wrote the story and show them to you.

Picture Hisham Najjar Director of State Security in Kafr El Dawar
Since the days of color reluctant to publish that story, and finally made up my mind which is in your hands. I was sitting in Alexandria on one of the cafeterias, a very famous on the Corniche and attended during Glossy someone I know a friend of my childhood.The salute and greeting echoed the attic and sat down together to tell the story of high strangest possible to encounter humans. I can not mention his name and acnes shill letter R and said he wanted to know the people in Egypt and Arab countries will launch by the letter S that he attempted to kill the people of the two countries two years ago by hostile parties, and he discovered this secret by a friend an American to him and Snrmz with the letter W Dhudth allinformation about the arms deal, used in that process and the (aircraft) and got Tllk friendly U.S. such information from a neighbor and is the director of a factory for the production of aircraft in the United States and Snrmz him the letter T, which reminded her everything about the deal, a drunkard. rejected the mysterious man who sits with me tells his story to detect details and mentioned the story because it is a betrayal military. and I hold he finished he took all the information and directed to the General Intelligence Sarayat dome and met a colonel named code-Colonel Akram and Dhudh all the information about the threats. Even though he had waited several hours before meeting the Colonel, but he knew the system which is communication General Intelligence Nearest Office security of the state next to the residence of the required throw. is contact the branch first, and what is intended is the central branch is located in each governorate, which receives a reference telephone sector Blazawgly and then a branch to contact the Office of State Security Service set up by the person and the Department of his work also Almthbot to achieve personal . The security of the state collects more from the police to him. and acnes noticed it that when talking about the police was mentioned to me it is internal then confirmed that it was not the police, but from Hah address police Bmustah Interior. and disease in telling the story, which struck. Li said The reporting on 4/29/2007 passed several months and then received a new piece of information from the American-friendly reports that the shipment of arms on the verge of implementation. and private information to target the most dangerous President. rushing mysterious interlocutor went to the General Intelligence Isray dome and did not find Colonel Akram and he was told he Pmamoria outside the country and aware to what extent the size of the central work Balmkhabert public not able to another officer received information the case of an officer other. and left the intelligence is angry and as he returned to take thinking to kill him so settled that he would go to the security of the state and asked to see the Director of the State Security Service department or office in Kafr Circle province lake and met in the evening and Snrmz him the letter H to be strangest dialogue between two people claim they Ayarfan some handed over all information to the Director and the names, addresses, and when finished the author talked the two newly pillow emotion from both parties to endorse a me I am a writer topic that the two knew some for more than twenty Aa m, although they did not Atkabla but never on that day. And I wondered at this and asked for an explanation. He said that security men know each other just by looking like humans with the same blood relatives without Atkabla. . And then completed the main theme and horrified when he told me that in spite of informing him of all criminal plot to kill the Egyptian people were Tllk attempt will succeed and be killed Egypt’s 80 million. Annoyed and told how he said to me there Mbda important at any point of security which is (the information does not leak, but if it gets out of your tongue )
And he finished me and said that when Ansravy Director met with the office staff officers and offered them up. And the disaster he was assigned a small office Dhabz first lieutenant of the investigations department, Ahmed Abdul Karim (a pseudonym is handled by the state security), and uses the name of another police department, a Tamer Algizawy Mbda which are handled by the state security and the rest of the devices. That the careless leaking communication for police officers Kafr El-Dawar. And the commons became military secrets among the people when he heard the officers and detectives were transferred to citizens and the news 48 hours later I heard people on the street talking about the secrets of the author who submitted it. And even the text of the telephone conversation which took place between the director of state security and Avid General Intelligence Akram and this happens before the State miscarriage of the scheme. And then completed my source, his words, saying that hundreds of Egyptians living in America from the city of Kafr El-Dawar They are in touch with their families every day either by telephone for several minutes or on the Internet for several hours a day
And when there is less things known to the residents of America before Anyan knows the residents of some neighborhoods, streets, Kafr El-Dawar. And most of them in the same state that the friendly U.S. and director of the aircraft factory and buyers of arms, who live the state until the time at the deal. And that was enough to ruin everything, and success in the (chopping) 80 million Egyptians. rushed mysterious man to the office of state security and carry on a complain of what happened, and select the director of a detective who leaked the topic of the nationals and then draw a personal officer in the small to the Director and set it young and Hove and Bertrt in speech and follow the new fashion (Alrochnh) and the moment took the screaming Director agitated that the infusion Mahsalh and much of his own and later learned that his name as Ahmed Abdul Karim also Zakrna in the past either his real name is Tamer Jazeeri and talk with the director of state security, a brigadier general and went to the two Bturahq abusive (insult) and ended up throwing after threats of a mysterious director of security State. Sadly, the Western had been suspended detective all work either First Lieutenant who leaked military secrets left for work search criminal and was promoted the movement of police the last 2008 to become chairman and shall preside Investigation Section Kafr Dawar still surprised that observed by my source when he told me that the manager knows his character as an expert civilian in the field of national security. so he could not arrest me and insulted him when he called for the leaders Banny his spiritual son is not real but is called so because he knows how many times you reveal the issues that threaten the country and national security. And he knows that the leaking of military secrets from him there from his office already. It is known to work when the security officer is mistaken and punished President and Chairman of the President and in crucial issues such as the subject up to the Minister the penalty himself and here he was wrong to cause the loss of the entire state.
I see my source to discern its features during the talk and all he got out answers without thinking, or to a particular Gelhh Awiyehrb to invent a lie and I realized in front of an honest man. I know him from childhood and I know he never lies. I tried to hide his incredulity and ask for the names of senior officials to Aaarafhm not familiar with the security work. I asked the Director of the SSI sector, he said immediately, Mr. First Assistant Minister for General Hassan Abdel Rahman
I asked the name of the MP, said the rule for General Hisham Abu Ghaida. I asked for the Governor of Alexandria for General Adel Labib, whether he was working as an intelligence, some say he answered me and said, condemning you just did not work for Pep intelligence never
But the work of another as security by the director of state security (a branch of the lake) and the object Damanhour city. And then governor and then governor in Upper Lake and then to Alexandria

Lee completed the rest of the tragedy. Said that you and everyone fascinated with instruments and Akinkm You know that the search for the criminal department and the Directorate of all the most influential of all the intelligence agencies so the public and state security. And military intelligence, and they likewise baladi (work or henna) and holds an estimated Hdsh need them only if they signed with the leaders are away and retaliation, and this is rare. The revenge CID me in several things and I did prior to their submission to be that people know that the CID can fabricate rumors and dissemination within the limits of an hour and pay people to ratification and push them either love someone or sympathy with him and Taida or to kill the same Aalchks by large armies of workers who have the Egyptian street is already not Tstjb Valmrushd no longer just one of the criminals are recruited and I developed it for long the highest levels of social, financial and economic country’s doctors, officials, businessmen and wealthy, and others on different groups and the reason for cooperation is that either the Criminal possession of a slip on them, or cooperation for the protection and application services. And appearing in front of arrivals Zoém and people. And after that we have clarified what happened Natee not unbelievable that the man brought a semblance detective mysterious national hero. And he is a candidate for the position of chief. I looked for women because women Aagaron of men and I wished all the men of his death. And that happens city of Kafr El Dawar district lake. Become all you want for a family of their own marriage and to control it. Did not find their style in response to the reversing of love and admiration to the desire to destroy. Settled families firing rumors only and I was a lady of wealth and owns the apartment building which he lives a man called the victorious Ibrahim Mubarak and fame victory Mubarak, widow of the butcher of the soil is called Hanafi serious I heard the words of the Criminal Mehala sent him with the entry of offered common law marriage with what he wanted to ask was rejected style .. Criminal Investigation because the rumor circulated that the city of Kafr El-Dawar man has done yeoman service to the country and served his country and the intelligence that the rank of colonel. And he will be a member of the People’s Pudong Kafr Dawar grabbing him. And it’s already earned a minister and will become a minister. And that the reward for the State, a huge sum is bonuses to the will of its Arab States (petroleum) and Mrs. widow in the fourth decade in high demand with the owners of workshops and stores to gain access to it and rushing out workers Porsche mechanics and shops, electricity and Alsnieih street for many reasons, because it still has some beauty to it a rich and allof them want to boast that he got the Zouhh beautiful and rich and property owners which is close to President Hosni Mubarak on the one hand the father of either the mother’s side, it close to Gamal Abdel Aty Bassiouny pilgrims inspector detective Kafr El-Dawar, a who runs the country and allowed it more than once inciting people and committed all crimes, so it’s the twentieth prison sentence of final rulings do not carry out because it is close to the President and holds membership card of the international security prove their kinship him and called Mansourhaly Ibrahim Mubarak and captures Achartahibmedinh Kvraldoar and Tamrbatqal any man and torture him if he refused Alzuj them, as happened with a leading tourists who stay in Amarhalty inherited Street Army Bkivraldoar and relatives of the president is not in custody and the second being his cousin Gamal Abdel Aty Bassiouny pilgrims inspector detective who works has the unity of the implementation of the provisions and who falsified the parliamentary elections in favor of the same year 2010, despite maintaining the currency of the police did not resign until after his success and was also dealing with the CID Vuadha First Lieutenant, who almost kills his own people to marry because they are beautiful and rich and I was first incited to take revenge. Indeed provoked detective to fabricate a fight between a man and working at Ms. lovers and all went to the department and knew there personal Tamer Algizawy officer small who leaked military secrets from State Security and grandfather to say the least about him that he person who is not only or disturbed person given authority and surprised that the sheriff’s collaboratorThe inspector Find Ganaúyoho ​​colonel named Mohammed Abu Kalila, who sent his agent claimed he submitted and named Gamal Abdel-Aty for Althfik and everyone is now in Egypt know the game has changed names to set the CID, even if it offers citizens to report on corruption or deviation of the response that there is no officer of the name of originally lost the rights to that name because the people who filed the complaint with is not the real name of the officer complained against him. He found people sitting in office workers attending the officer and the investigation by the agent and the branch of research and put the leg on the leg. And that money was to buy everyone and anyone can the soil be imprisoned than he wants or kill whoever he wants as long as it pays to search criminal, even if it was intended harmed the rank of minister and make sure that the Interior does not publish laundered dirty in front of people so he gives up wrong and to keep up more and more until it was believed the errant and corrupt police officers they are God. No one can affect them no matter how mistaken they attain satisfaction and protection Roosaúhm and their downfall when the fall and harm to their leaders they start to defend them and get them out of every calamity even Aagrkon with them. In section boasted counselors that they belong to Ahmad Abdul Karim Tamer Algizawy and spoke so during the investigation and did not know the workers that one of those who attended the state security investigation officer contacted him legs and things then confirmed and that the police instigated the killing of the man who crosses their injuries and suffered for and could not kill him. They did not know why everyone went after the man of the Department of melee? I went even know Alzait instigator and he knew and was then first lieutenant, Ahmad Abdul Karim (Tamer Algizawy), which amounted to become the head of the Investigation Department of Kafr El-Dawar. Stopped my source and asked him whether he wrote the officer fugitive Omar Afifi correctly in his book is banned from publishing and trading secret? He replied, I have read the book and everything in it is real, I hold peels only clear from the style of Colonel Omar Afifi that he was an officer disciplined (ie, sitting behind a desk) and not an officer on the ground so the style and advice addressed to the citizens of the inspiration of books and references to the law and I was on the ground, they do not use never and fabricate issues to the citizen it is reluctant to claim the right to end it and leave his command of God. and then surprised me nouveau secret wonder of the imagination he said to me you know not the man Mr. Interior Minister hated very corrupt police and they strive to remove him from the ministry asked for explanation he said to me that Habib your Adli man who was able to eradicate terrorism is beaten with an iron fist on the corrupt and converts them to trial no matter what their rank or military status, so trying to get rid of it. And the Minister of Interior can not separate the thousands of corrupt officers will not let him do that one will not have mercy on one and at the same time there is no more than a thousand graduate from the police academy each year. Then followed another secret he does not believe that the most 
Dear I promise you if Li wrote God's life and a man mysterious to write to you the third part of the subject Oppe secrets to Aasedkha mind easily, and how said Tamer Algizawy Balfez (much Hatkdr are needed we are our death, Ashraf Marwan, No one as much as Aamlna needed) and discovered the man that Ashraf Marwan smelting
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President Abdel Nasser was the mediator in the process of buying aircraft which was hit Egypt and the police behind the death of Ashraf Marwan
Has Sarhany Director security Athbkivraldoarmtbahia he and Rataveby and my family since over 30 year due kinship with my own administrator military sovereign state anonymity and I hold he Taabhm in Achartholdaha Asmekl relatives officials and avenging them as Sarhany he would obliges me to marry daughter and asked him why said to you will take rewards millions intelligence and state security and Gifts Arab countries versus did will become security officer Dolhaataiwl without working searching criminal then Edumajls people then Minister.Li said, and I mean Mtbhdl and Nphdlk Aktar what I was mainly Abiezbny was Bermeyny in the department and No one Ikdrafath this happens and my father said Abiezbny I Bazb all people Now you try to know him from Hogariby important is it consultant Yahya Aldmhojy or for General Mustafa's father Mhojy or team Youssef Afifi, who did not I know Anagariby only after he left the service as governor of Cairo safety police Tantqmmn Grandpa on the Zine El Abidine Aldmhojy Sheikh Alazhr did not tell me only mention that the largest countries of the then known him that he was behind and prayed it all work joined by up to go to the security of the state did not go so Anahred times the dead to go to the section to find him there, and disappointed that this patient because I refused to talk to him. Then seemed to refreshing for tax breaks will happen to me and I have to be a partner to the senior police officer, and the land from the state I get it and start the little they were having fun the lives of citizens, even Atsilwa and laugh, and that our Lord does not work so that officers research said to him, the adequacy of Keda for a pilot and I hold refused they said to him Alhan what Tqlepeshy g and I hold refused and said much Haihsal need and I learned that is Tovirlha drugs and Tramadol on a regular basis and of course women and discovered that the most beautiful women the Baigallm problems, then Azarlokadhm Vicarn grateful to him and become friends with gifts and services up to bed with beautiful women and more families and Houma used and all the officers who are in the same circle and the same level until the big difference is the administration and then returned to the warning which is to be discovered spies thee again? And asked why? He said, because they we follow and we Bnrouh studying them there and so as not to discover the adult you are intelligent and Eachzzak from us and they can kill you because they much they want to smart, but fools the heard speech Lewis and Bnmsk all official slip Alhan be under our man, whether crimes Amaha or photographed sexually or Bndber it is located in Reus It is important that it be necessary to slip. Then said and AT means Nphdlk what I Barmy my officers imprisonment and hours are disarmament leadership Mona and enter solitary Avatar I Goh Babaky stronger and hull responsibility and little and Btalaa and recovered leadership MP discovered presence another person reality under impact Satan and named Ahmed Mustafa Aohmh Director he will responsible country Even he found that Roche and his soldiers against me and revealed few seconds later I do not know what happened to him since the day the Contact Us Satan director of state security and request our presence and accompanied us papers Mohl, birth certificates and conscription on the grounds Altaan state security and our Fish and covering, and brought a military Alves of section (Sergeant Ahmed) and our Fish of hands and Erg and acnes I noticed that he knew the accused and Fish Played Citant the Director of State Security lock us without our knowledge the issues until there is a threat to the slip. Then the manager threatened me that he would Asabny Banhiar will enter a psychiatric hospital, even when one does not believe me Ashkoh. I learned from the cursed that he hated two types of groups in society and the two brothers and Christians, and discovered what's more, that cursed brought a relative, even great-grandfather, and he thought I to Aaarafh so surprised and I remember his name when he made fun of me after the first attempt of the dead, said Li has kept the spirit of the tomb of your grandfather's largest cell will benefit you is much was Bagm the ground kept the cell will benefit you and discovered hatred for the prophets and the people of the house of Prophet and his attempt to permanent harm them for political reason is that the heirs and descendants of the prophets, and they who should rule the country and the reason was a personal sense of inferiority and more interested in torturing the people of House
Prophet Mohammad and discovered that he attend his neighbors to punish them at the headquarters of the security Athuestkhaddmagainst them means of hellish them from the complaint and warned me that they have the means Axrarad Haqoy man on the ground and Igtsbob defendants and Asor?hm and threatened to expose and Nchertlk pictures and raping the wives and sons and then told me the text you want to do you just like we did with Imad foreskin and Hona?b the People's Shubra Khiet. and then he assured me I would not get on my reward versus rescue souls Egyptians only after marry daughter because those bonuses must be daughter and said leaderships to Atsama Enlai one only them to they Bimshawa employment and Zkougly I should be in constraint like Gamal Abdulaati who cut arm and Homlazm and taken back only surgery nor used. Then he said to me that there Bkivraldoaarolh branches of my family and for the full effect of Investigation them, and he persuaded them not to intervene so as not to fly Mansbmn Alsuaholasv family believed the devil, but this went too far and made some close endorse the President and they consider conciliation. He boasted that he deceived the General Intelligence and Military Intelligence Branch, S. inquiries military Bouksosy then Thdtan melee that major would send the members of the families accused to kill me and support me in a fight so great we become owners of forgotten Almlamn I'm not the kind who accept conciliation under any pressure or deception and is CID still persuade Ashraa?lat of those who used them against me and accused of attempted dead Banny Haakon keeps company and promised to marry these families before he became a minister and all of those families are paying for them.Then the officers seemed Ihrdhany Kbarbalamn year and did not know their names to address the taste because I realized that they are enemies to him and Gamal Abdel Aty and want to use me in eliminating them. And they warned me Isttionmsh my mind until I am like a child and ask Anfzma. And boasted that the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and rhythm as they want and
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Christians and the father of his enemies, and openly announced the importance of accused to kill me, which pays him and discovered that she Taatgmbacharth all and all leaders not because she is close to Riisalgmehoria only and not for bribes, but rather Bcesp she participated each of the leaders in the trade of marble, granite, and trade dairy and sale of livestock, and discovered it was being distributed profits every day four night and became the the close Riisalgmehoria power to imprison any person or Tavebay person or kill any Chkslan all the security services city Kvraldoar work then now, and I learned that a firm judge, director of state security and Gamal Abdel-Aty inspector detective agreed at a plan with Ms. demon which give part of my reward for the carriage of the ownership of the apartment building which held by Li and come after telling me Lahu uncle cheese you right, my brother and led Architecture Hae Uncle and Khalasbaky, my brother and over in your right and your blood, my brother and although I know very well that is the confiscation of property in the event such as the two cases and submit it to a man who served the country and idiots think that their plan will work and I learned that a firm judge deceived everyone and select them million pounds a friendly and masks as long as they instigated the dead several times, remains pay blood money and trying to persuade me to accept the division of a million with him and the beauty and Aknhm not know that I will not accept only the blood against the dolls even have Milirzinah. Then I learned from a source Athagbh they are trying to demolish Alakaralzy I live in ways or another, and to promote rumors Yoaqnaa population foot property so as to close the President and the Inspector FBI building tower and the sale of apartments ownership of the participation of all officers and I Mundarba years, is prayed by all the work and used against me all styles of dirty rumors and Tlfikalqzaia and torture, research, and is prayed at the instigation of each work of them and I swear by Almighty God that Aldzaeadsakon deed of the same firm and then threatened me and said we are the judge Nqdrntalaa rumor Jasusunkhaly you kill your family. But unfortunately they Bastqtabahd Frrua my family? (Family Alsoa) and persuaded Petrky Atbhdl because I Sashgl position and if they stood with me will be lost Mouncbmn family and unfortunately Sedkohm. So that Satan Hazem judge and Satan Gamal Abdel Atty convinced all my relatives not to Alhaddaithamay the pretext of any I know
military secrets and possible speak where and Kedah lost position of your family and unfortunately Sedkohm

Dear if dead Awaatqaly Aotsfity person asked about it Homdaramen state Bkivraldoar a Mdiralamn National Post and Gamal Abdel Atty Bassiouny pilgrims Vice President of the Criminal Investigation Branch in Kafr El-Dawar, MP
 Some are helped by the country
The discovery of cases of espionage and eavesdropping
Prevent the killing of army officers persists (thousands of reserve officers) poisoning
Thwart the process Dharbmsirta?rat was bought by Ashraf Marwan Abdel Nasser Sralris
Eavesdrop on Nokia phones in Egypt

And hundreds of business venerable I will always remember you

Telephone numbers of senior officers who participated Almwamrh
Zait General Intelligence
Colonel Akram 0122328441
Director of State Security Kafr El-Dawar, a dean and uses two names and two Hisham al-Najjar and the name of a firm judge, number 0452212180 to 0452236223 _0164128681 _0121167480 and has hundreds of mobile phone lines, which he bought cards forged to members of the People's Assembly and Shura Council and members of the Brotherhood or the politicians and used in the rhythm or Althred and when detected it will be far from the responsibility
Director of CID, Kafr El-Dawar, a colonel and named Mohammed Abu agent, number 0105096280
 These figures are their numbers private and no one can get it, but someone talked with them on those numbers and whatever they change their names Variqam phones can access the leaders of their respective owners.

Dear reader, the code I know what you feel now, a feeling that either hate corruption in our country more than hatred of the past and either a sense of disbelief that all this could happen in our country and it is to cover up the corrupt even if Setsb in the death of all Egypt, because what he asks for dealing with the loss of Roosa?h with .
Dear I am now the process of writing all that he suffered from my friend's attempts to kill him and torture carried out by state security and detective city of Kafr El Dawar district Bhdlth the lake and all the guilt he saved the life of Egypt's 80 million
I Sarhany my friend does not believe that there are points of inspection or control the police or security services because the declaration condemning the corrupt delinquents and condemned the place will not be allowed for each one that never
And to the meeting in the code next to tell you punishment, who has been exposed to him my friend, a punishment and abuse, which can not bear people unusual only because it (he refused to return any Egyptian from the outside and when landing the plane in and out of the airport does not find the people he will find the 80 million dead on the streets and houses)
Dear Look behind the owners of phone numbers which reported
It remains the secret of secrets is that all those who participated in Aiva?y are a large family we have the homeland of the head of my family and the reason I do not know is the differences that resulted in injustice to him was that family and I did our forefathers died and uncles are dead revenge of birth control. .
Top of Form
I of the supervision of the house of Prophet because a relativeof the family of tourists to the al-Husayn is the grandson of the Prophet and the annex to the Code Certificate of Associationsupervision rates my family and this is a descent near and this is not the reason for the hostility, but a relative of my great-grandfather, what before the advent of Islam, where I am My great grandfather Hoallenby Raed Bin Prophet Schori, son of ProphetSolomon

Facility name of the movie film, which reveals the fact that all of the hostility between the descendants of the prophets, andreminded them and the supervision of the Prophet's House
Can be identified only in the engine youtube
Name of the movie Kingdom of Solomon

  Name of the man's story is a leading tourist Rashid
Mnmhafezh lake - Medinhkvr Circle - Army Street
Phone number blogger

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